Transanta 2024 Season

46 gift lists

About this campaign

Transanta is a mutual aid project that connects anonymous gift-givers with trans youth who are unhoused, in foster care, or otherwise without crucial support they need to thrive.
Gibtr is the official Transanta gifting partner for countries without Amazon Registry platforms.

Terms of Agreement

You agree to the Transanta Privacy Policy as part of your participation in the Transanta 2024 Season Campaign on Gibtr. For more information, click here


0 items out of 4 bought
0 sponsors

Oli's Christmas List

0 items out of 0 bought
0 sponsors

Dani’s wish

0 items out of 0 bought
0 sponsors

Leif’s Transanta list

0 items out of 34 bought
0 sponsors

Trans Santa

0 items out of 5 bought
0 sponsors