Giftlist Guides

Gibtr not only allows senders to send a gift to loved ones without addresses, but also enables receivers to initiate gifting with privacy. Receivers can create a giftlist with items the receivers wish to receive. The receivers then can share the gift list link to others and generous contributors can purchase those items.

If you would like to create a gifting campaign for a cause, Gibtr can help. Please visit the "For Gifting Campaign Managers" section for details.

For Receivers

  1. Create Your Account:

    Sign up for an account with Gibtr to start your gift list. If you participate in a gifting campaign, your campaign manager may already create a gift list and an account for you. Check with the campaign contact for details.

  2. Create Your Gift List:

    Once you're signed in, visit the campaign you would like to participate. You can search for current active campaign here. On the campaign page, click on "Create Wishlist" button to create one. Make sure you read the campaign terms and aggreements carefully.

    You can create a gift list without a campaign. You may be asked to provide address for shipping purposes before creating a gift list so that Gibtr can calculate the tax and shipping amount correctly.

  3. Add Items to Your Gift List:

    After creating your gift list, you can add eligible online items to it. Visit an online store and navigate to the item you would like to add, copy the whole url on the browser address bar and paste the content in the the item link text box. Gibtr may be able to retrieve the item image and title automatically. In that case, all you need is to click "Add Gift Item". Don't worry if the item image and title do not show up, we will process them later.

    Once the item is added to the gift list, it will be in a "Pending Review" status and Gibtr will review and approve the item before it can be purchased.

  4. Share Your Gift List:

    On the gift list page, click on the 'COPY LINK' button to copy the deep link to your gift list and share it with others so they can view it.

    By default, your gift list visibility is 'Unlisted', meaning it is not searchable from the gibtr website. If you set your gift list visibile to 'Public', the gift list is searchable here .

  5. Item Review Process:

    Please note that all items on your list will be reviewed. Only approved items will be available for sponsors to purchase.

    Gibtr does not share receivers' personal information the the sponsors

For Senders (Donors/Sponsors)

  1. Visit a Gift List:

    If you already have the gift list link, you can see the approved items and purchase them for the gift list owners.

    Otherwise, you can browse through the public gift lists and select items you would like to purchase.

  2. Add Multiple Items:

    You can add multiple items from different gift lists to your cart.

  3. Checkout:

    Click on the cart icon to proceed to checkout. Both credit card and PayPal payments are accepted.

  4. Order Fulfillment:

    After completing your payment, Gibtr will handle the rest. We will order the items on your behalf and ensure they are delivered to the participants.

    Gibtr does not share senders' personal information the the receivers

For Gifting Campaign Managers

  1. Create an Account:

    Sign up for an account with Gibtr and create a new gifting campaign at

  2. Promote Your Campaign:

    Once your campaign is created, include the campaign link in your promotional materials to spread the word.

  3. Gibtr APIs:

    You can create campaigns and gift lists for participants on their behalf using our APIs. Please contact us for API details.